A Trusted Internet – what’s in it for you?


The CEO of Comodo, Melih Abdulhayoglu posted an interesting article about the Trusted Internet. In short, he outlines that the driving force behind Comodo is to create an internet that we can all use securely and with authenticity that unleashes the power of the Internet to advance human society (pretty lofty goal – wouldn’t you say).


But for that to work, we have to be able to go online and know that we can trust who we interact with. It is a pipe dream? If you ask other Internet security companies – they’ll tell you as long as people can afford to pay – sure they can be secure.


That’s just plain wrong.


That’s why Comodo is taking the lead to shape the Trusted Internet with free security and authentication solutions. Melih explains his thinking in this excerpt:    

And for the Internet to benefit everyone, it must be delivered as a right to everyone; not as a luxury or a privilege dependent on a person’s ability to pay! To reach this state of a Trusted Internet, we intend to change behavior and help people move from not using PC security because they can’t afford it to using PC security because we  give away it away for free. We intend to change people’s low expectation of not being able to authenticate anything online to being able to authenticate everything online – identities, content and even a site’s legitimacy.

To read the full post, go to www.melih.com. A Trusted Internet is not a pipedream – but a reality being built today. Watch this space.

Judy Shapiro





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